New Ocean Wave is the home of the Pacific Rowing Race.
New Ocean Wave are extremely proud to launch the Pacific Rowing Race 2014. In June 2014 ocean rowing crews from around the world will set off from the Californian coastline and start rowing West. Using only human power crews will row round the clock to compete for the highest accolade, the chance to be the first across the finish line in Hawaii and win the first Pacific Rowing Race. For some just completing the event is the challenge and we are committed to helping every crew equally to achieve a safe ocean passage.

Success in an event of this scale requires a combination of skills including teamwork, navigational know-how, weather and routing skills, physical ability and mental strength, together with an element of luck. With a mix of these skills, together with willpower and determination, anyone can achieve the unbelievable. We want you to be in one of those boats.

New Ocean Wave is dedicated to providing unparalleled levels of support and guidance to make your dreams a reality. Please take a look around the website and contact us for more information.